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Clubhouse fire update

Clubhouse fire update

Luke Povey7 Oct 2023 - 23:36
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Some of your questions answered

Firstly, thank you all for being so patient with the changes in playing and training since the club house fire. We will be hoping to provide you with updates at least every 2 weeks, with any news but we thought some FAQ may answer many of the current questions!

1. Why can’t we use the car park? The car park and access road have to remain closed until such time as the clubhouse is demolished and made safe.

2. When will the clubhouse be demolished? Demolition can only begin once investigations have been completed and the cricketers insurers accept liability. The insurers will then procure and appoint a demolition contractor.

3. Why can’t we use the main fields for training? Given the proximity to the Clubhouse remains, the playing fields also remain closed until the Clubhouse is demolished and made safe.

4. Are we planning temporary cabins? Yes. plans are in hand for a long-term solution to mirror the facilities we had i.e. tea/coffee, changing, showers and WC’s. Both HWRCC and HAFC may look to buy these to sell on, when the rebuild works are complete. If anyone has contacts in the portacabins market, please let us know!

5. When will the cabins be on site? This depends on when the clubhouse is demolished. Current best estimates are that the temporary facilities will be on site early in the new year.

6. Why can’t we get WC’s on the Kings Field? We have looked closely at this option, but unfortunately there is no power, water or drainage to the Kings Field. Trailer toilets located alongside the Kings Field storage will mean any access to service them will have to drive across the grass pitches in the winter months. We also looked at placing toilets by Rose Cottage where there is access, but this is not acceptable to the council, nor the residents of Rose Cottage.

7. How can I help? Please share/repost/give or pass on the Facebook or Pitchero link below to anyone and everyone you know. We need to generate as wide as reach as possible and raise the profile of the club and the rebuilding requirements. We need to capture now any interest or support for the next phase.

8. Why are there two fund raising links? Together with HWRCC there is a just giving page (which was set up initially by HWRCC) and a crowd funding page which is more tax efficient option. Both funds will be used by HWRCC and HAFC to return to sport, which is to fund the temporary cabins that both Clubs need to play our sports.

9. Is the fund raising going to rugby? Yes, it will be for shared temporary facilities at the Wick.

10. What can I do? In short, any offer of help will be greatly received. We can find a role, small or large. You could also share, repost or email anyone and everyone who you know, any company or group you may know, asking for help or publicity as we look to extent our reach and raise our profile as much as possible!

11. Where will seniors play or train? Currently, we are using Staines RFC for training, but we are looking at other longer term options. We are now playing all home games at St Mary’s Broom Road until we are back at the Wick. So come on down and support!

12. Are Quins helping? Yes. They have always been very supportive. They immediately offered the Stoop for home games and the 1’s played Streatham and Croydon after the Coventry game at the Stoop, watched on FaceTime by Joe Marler. We are meeting the CEO to discuss other assistance they can give.

13. Will we be bigger and stronger after this? Yes! most definitely.

Kind regards

Myles Woodley
Chair Harlequin Amatures

Further reading